Year Invented: 1940
Manufacturer: Frito-Lay
Simplicity rules the day when it comes to original Lay’s Potato Chips. The chip’s list of ingredients includes just potatoes, vegetable oil and salt. Then there’s the brand’s iconic slogan “Betcha Can’t Eat Just One” which isn’t hyperbole. We dare you to try eating just one chip.
Fun Fact
While Lay’s potato chips span the globe, different countries have different names for the classic snack item. Some of these pseudonyms are Chipsy, Sabritas, Smith’s, Tapuchips and Walkers.
Lay’s potato chips taste like childhood in a bag. Well, they actually taste like fried potatoes but you get the gist if you’re a Generation X’er like us who remember pulling bags of Lay’s chips out of their Brady Bunch or Scooby Doo lunchboxes. At that time, Lay’s sold original potato chips as well as barbecue and sour cream & onion flavored potato chips in bags of various sizes.
Today, Lay’s potato chips come in a myriad of flavors that would likely shock Herman Lay, the company’s original patriarch. While some flavors like dill pickle are tailored to the American market, exotic global chip flavors include nori seaweed and spicy lobster.
Popular Lay’s Flavors
Barbecue, Cheddar & Sour Cream, Dill Pickle, Original, Salt & Vinegar, and Sour Cream & Onion